Monday, June 27, 2011

Book Review - The Little Red Book of Wisdom

Bringing you the latest Book Sneeze Review.

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This time I read The Little Red Book of Wisdom penned by Mark DeMoss.

I got this book as a gift for my Father in Law but read it first (couldn't help myself after reading the jacket). My first impression was that the book talks a lot about things that I have heard / read before. After reading further I felt like it pulled so much of what I already "knew" and gave it words that resonated better for me. Almost as if this book allowed those lessons to be more present in my everyday life. I found the advice and thoughts in the book both inspiring AND grounding which is a tough combination to master.

I found the book very well written and easy to read. You can read and reread this book easily. I doubt this is the kind of book you will want to read and get rid of. I am giving it as a gift but will most likely get myself a copy as well.

Great book!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Book Review - Billy Graham in Quotes

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Yet another Book Sneeze review. :D This time I had the privilege of reading Bill Graham in Quotes penned by Franklin Graham and Donna Lee Toney. This book was beautifully written. It is the perfect daily dose of Christianity and inspiration. The simplistic writing style and wonderful breakdown by category makes it the perfect companion to your bible. If you are a Christian person I am guessing (like me) this book will be living on your night stand next to your bible.

It would also make for a beautiful gift for a loved one. I plan to purchase this book for a couple of people in my life who I know would also be equally inspired.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Book Review - Be The People

I had another opportunity to read and review a book through Book Sneeze. (If you're a blogger who likes to read check them out!)

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I read the book Be The People written by Carol Swain. Swain is obviously a conservative Christian women which in itself could be off putting for some readers. As a conservative Christian woman living in a world full of people who it often seems have no morality I loved this book. In fact I couldn't put it down. The book covers a variety of relevant issues that are effecting our country and our families on a daily basis. To me the heart of the book is reasons why we are struggling as a country and how we get back to our fundamentals and start recovering.

I highly recommend this book to anyone (male or female) who feels our country is on the wrong track and headed for trouble.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Book Review - Achieving your Dream

I recently had the pleasure of reviewing the book Put Your Dreams to the Test by John Maxwell.

Here are my thoughts:

I got this book recently for my sister. I know she has been struggling with achieving her dreams. She has all the tools in place but can't seem to put them all together. Before I gave her the book I decided to thumb through it. I was mesmerized. I thought that I didn't have the need to learn the steps to achieving my dreams because I am already on my way. Boy was I wrong. Having the steps laid out in black and white is very freeing. It gives you the direction you need to get to where you want to be.

The only down side is you really do have to have a clear dream in mind for this book to help you out in life. But that being said who doesn't have at least one dream.